I want to share my daily routine and habits that have helped me remain in consistent with my health, even after having 4 children. These habits have also kept me in good shape, helping me to feel strong and even motivated. I am now 42 years old and have had to make some adjustments to my routines that support my changing hormones, as I enter perimenopause.
I think many woman are fearful that after they have children, they will not be able to get back into shape as they were before or once they hit their 40’s, it all goes down hill. I want you to know that this is so far from the truth! Yes, your body will change during these important milestones of life. BUT, change doesn’t necessarily have to be bad. What is important is that you have healthy habits set up for yourself and embrace your body as it goes through changes because if your body ever so slightly feels unsafe or unloved, it will react. Bodies need to be nourished and supported with healthy food, movement and even positive thoughts.
This is why for the past 15 years, I have made the focus of my health be on strong daily habits, focusing on consistency over perfection! And if you are a busy person or mother like me, you know very well that there are many days that simply aren’t and wont be perfect. This is where I “pivot” but never give up.
So what does my routine look like?
- Movement Everyday– Even if its just a walk, I move my body everyday. I traded in my aggressive HIIT style workouts about 4 years ago when I started to develop gut issues and turned 40. Aggressive workouts for someone with gut health issues isn’t the best idea as it creates extra stress on the body that it does not need. So now, I do 3 days per week of Oxygen Yoga Fitness Classes, and the remaining days I do a jog/walk accompanied by heavier weight training.
- Nutritious Meals– I focus on getting 30 grams or more of protein at every meal and 8-10 grams of fiber at each meal the best I can. I make protein, veggies/or fruit with some healthy fat the focus of my meals, including some starch carbs like sweet potato, rice or quinoa on days that I lift heavier. I allow 3-4 hours between every meal because I have recovered from SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) and it is part of my relapse prevention to have spacing between meals to allow the migratory motor complex (MMC) in my gut to do its job. I do not eat after dinner (again for my MMC to do its job). I also try to eat kiwi, carrots and a big salad every single day to feed the beneficial bacteria in my gut to keep things moving as constipation tends to be something that happens to me if i’m not on top of things
- Stress Management– I work hard to establish a routine to de-stress but it truly is the hardest one for me. I walk everyday and listen to motivational podcasts or meditations. I do tapping with Brad Yates (look him up. He’s great!) I am also very interested and currently learning more about German New Medicine (GNM) and how our stress can impact our health. SO GOOD!
- Sleep Hygiene– Sleep is hard as a parent but my kids are finally at an age where they sleep through the night (if you are a new Mama…hang in there! It gets better I promise). I try to get to bed by 10:00pm and am up at 6:30am.
- Optimizing My Gut Health– After experiencing SIBO, H Pylori and low stomach acid from 2021-2023, I realize the importance of optimal gut health. I focus on the health of my liver/gallbladder above all, taking supportive herbs like dandelion, artichoke, berberine, milk thistle and turmeric (in one pill), along with TUDCA to support bile flow. I also take a high quality soil-based probiotic from Amy Myers which has all become essential to prevent the relapse of SIBO.
- Zero Alcohol– I do not drink any alcohol of any sort, not even wine. It makes me feel very sick and I need to feel good the next day. Also, alcohol, especially in your 30’s + will impact hormones in a negative way.
- Removal of Toxic People – This one may not seem health related, but it very much is! You see, who we are around and how we spend our time, can absolutely affect our health. I have had to remove or distance myself from people that were negative or dragged my energy and moods down. This was the hardest thing to do but necessary, especially when I was going through so many digestive issues. I am a firm believer that our emotions play a HUGE impact on our well being and that food is only a small piece of the puzzle.
I know that this routine of mine may sound like alot to some, but I started out with small steps and made this my lifestyle. Now, it is apart of who I am. I don’t dread any of the things I listed above because I love how I feel. I know that life can through curve balls, but all I can do is focus on the here and now. The things I CAN control in my body and life and leave the rest to God.
If you want to learn how you can change your life and create a daily routine simular to this (because everyone is different), then consider joining my program, The 30-Day Wellness Journey. I have left a link here below for you to learn more about the program and how I can help you!